Kauai boat tours of napali coast

 Since 1997, Holo Holo Charters has taken people on unforgettable adventures to Kauai’s, world-famous Napali Coast and remote locations like Lehua Crater off the “Forbidden Island” of Niihau. Say yes to adventure and come explore with us—4,000-foot cliffs, emerald valleys, secluded beaches, sea caves, lava tubes, dolphins, whales, snorkeling, sailing, sunsets, and much more!

On our Kauai boat tours, we help guests fully appreciate and absorb Kauai’s natural beauty, while respecting the island’s water, wildlife, land, people, and traditions, with our eco-friendly and meticulously maintained Kauai-built boats and talented staff. Whether you are seeking an all-day ocean adventure to the Napali Coast and Niihau, a sailing adventure with snorkeling, or a romantic sunset dinner cruise; we have an option for you.

kauai boat tours of napali coast


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